Joyful Working

Well hi there!! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted. This senior-in-high-school thing has been keeping me real busy lately, and I feel like I have no time for, well, anything except for school! (Okay, and maybe work and a little bit of time on the piano...) But I’m back now, and I think I’ve got a topic you can relate to. ;)

Like I said above, I’ve been super busy with school. It’s actually been super stressful, and I'm not gonna lie, I’ve cried quite a bit. My workload this year has been nothing like it’s been before, and with all the emotions of having so much school, falling behind, and not understanding much, I’ve complained. A LOT. And not just in my heart or to myself. To my mom, my family, my friends, my co-workers.... it just doesn’t stop! Once I get started, it’s a massive snowball effect. And as I complain to others, they begin to complain, and then everyone starts to complain and things become really messy. I’m sure you can relate, whether in the field of school, work, home life, deadlines... everyone has moments where life is overwhelming or we just don’t want to do what we have to do. And we tend to complain a lot. It happens. It’s life.

But it’s not good.

We just celebrated Thanksgiving, and typically it’s this time of year that everyone tries to be a little more thankful about everything in life. But why can’t we do that the rest of the year?! 

A few of my friends and I have recently been challenging each other to change our perspectives. If we look at school, work, or life in general as something we “have" to do or go through, where’s the joy? There isn't any because these things are just another item to check off a list! But what if we look at those things as things we are "able" to do? What if, more often, we look at life and realize how truly blessed we are, no matter how bad we think our circumstances are? What if we truly took the Bible to heart and did everything with the purpose of bringing glory to God? (1 Cor. 10:31) That’s what my friends and I have encouraged each other to do. It’s not easy; not by a long shot! But it IS rewarding. 

If we wake up each morning saying, “God, I want to glorify you in all I do. It’s not easy, and I can only do it by Your strength, but help me with it,” think of how that could change your days, weeks, months, and years! You’re no longer working, studying, cleaning up after kids, etc. for yourself or because it’s just another thing to do in life. You’re doing those things for God and His glory. Your purpose is new,  and as God changes it more and more each day, He will also make your perspective new. And suddenly, you’ll see joy in even the most mundane tasks of life because you’re doing it for a greater purpose. You’re doing it for a greater Person. 

So as we tuck Thanksgiving behind us and prepare for Christmas and life in the new year, let’s *encourage* each other to wake up every single day and pray that God would continue to provide us with a new perspective and heart for Him and the work He has specially gifted each one of us. 

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