Don't Give Up

     Well, as per usual (apparently), it’s been... quite a while. So much has happened since I last wrote. But I saw this wonderful picture on Facebook that made me want to share something huge that recently occurred.
     Like most Christians, I have some extended family members who don’t know Jesus. All my life, my parents, mentors, and pastors have told me “Don’t stop praying for people. God can always touch their hearts and soften them.” So all through my life, I’ve prayed for these people who are so special to me. But anyone who has been a Christian for any amount of time knows how frustrating it can be when God answers a prayer with “no” or “not yet.” Especially when He answers “not yet” and He makes you wait for years and years and years.

     I’m not going to lie, things started to look bleak. No change happened. It had been over 10+ years, and I was tired of praying and not seeing results. So I gave up. I decided that this was too big of a prayer and God couldn’t possibly save these people. I gave up on God. I’ll admit it! I’m not proud of it. But it’s a good thing that the world doesn’t revolve around me, isn’t it? I’m so weak. My best just isn’t good enough, and often (as in this case) I give my worst. But God is great, and so much greater than all my shortcomings.

     Despite my lack of faith, He had heard my prayers. He heard the prayers of countless others. And recently, He began to actively answer. One of my family members has been struggling with some awful things. I don’t want to go into details, but it was bad. I gave up on this person first because it totally looked like a hopeless case. But God didn’t give up. He opened the doors for this person to struggle severely. And then He graciously led this person to a center where he/she could find help. And through that process, this family member finally found the God of the Bible, not just the God “that culture created.” I know this family member will still probably struggle with some things from the past. And like any new believer, he/she will deal with many lifestyle shocks and realizations. But now he/she knows God... he/she knows Jesus and the price He paid that His chosen people might find freedom and life and love in Him. The road to this point was not easy. The road from this point will not be easy.  But God is faithful.

     I had given up, but God did not. He will never give up... not on me (even when my faith is weak and I give up on Him) and not on any of His other chosen people. He is so faithful. He hears prayers. And He answers. Sometimes, the “yes” is immediate. Sometimes, it’s a “yes, but not right now.” And sometimes, the answer is a plain “no.” But regardless of the answer, we must trust that God is faithful, merciful, and just. He won’t give up on pursuing those He has called. And because God will never give up on chasing His straying people, we should never give up on praying and ministering to the lost sheep. Because HE IS FAITHFUL. And He will act. I pray we all have the faith to trust and not give up on Him--even when paths are dark--and know He is working for the good of His people and the glory of His name.


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